The shotcut to make buyers see you as the obvious choice. This Notion library contains all the templates, frameworks, documents, and ideas you’ll need to execute the Cloud Republic GTM — and a whole lot more to make you go to market faster and more confidently.
Buy access to the SwipefileGTM Presentation Technic
The Cloud Republic Border Illustration
The Cloud Republic Motion
Account List Framework
Positioning template
Market Problem Matrix
Symptom mapping
ICP Exploration board
Category Design Matrix
Storytelling Framework
Case stories from real life
Video/Audio interviews
64 GTM Offer Questions
Value Prop Framework
Weekly Show Recipe
Thoughtleader Ad Framework
And much more
First 20 people will get access lifetime access to the Cloud Republic at a reduced price as I'm still building it out. In exchange I hope you'll provide feedback and a review I can put on this landing page.
The Cloud Republic Swipefile is for executives and marketeers who operates in the cloud. SaaS and PaaS companies under 200 employees who is willing to change their GTM execution to match how buyers buy today. B2B companies with longer sales cycles will benefit most, even though the ideas is easily adopted by any operating model.
If you have any doubt about the value of the Cloud Republic Swipefile, I suggest you download and read the free book. In it, I describe a lot of the resources you will find in here and even give you the details for free in it. The Swipefile is if you believe the stuff will help you, but you wanna move even faster and avoid making to many mistakes along the way. It will help you implement the Cloud Republic GTM Framework in half the time.